Traditional Advertising
Network and Cable Television
Audiences who use TV as their primary driver of information, remember the TV ads they see on TV most. Local TV advertising works.
Radio Advertising
Local radio advertising is a fantastic way to grow your business, increase your brand awareness and generate sales.
Billboard Advertising
Just like most media, billboards are priced on their audience delivery. At Double M, we can negotiate with push sales folks so you don't have to.
Direct Mail
Because customers physically handle mail and usually look at it before deciding whether to keep it, direct mail can help get more eyes on your marketing.
Network & Cable Television Advertising
We can connect with consumers on broadcast stations while negotiating the best rate based on our years of experience. We specialize in Cable TV ads that can play through chosen demo channels and networks that cater to your customers.

Billboard Advertising
Outdoor advertising is a way to capture your audience while they are on the go. It can be a great avenue for connecting with commuters and reinforcing campaign messaging. Not to mention the cost per interaction is just pennies.
Radio Advertising
With 25+ years in electronic media, Double M Marketing founder Dave Nahley is well versed in all aspects of advertising and marketing strategies. His experience as a sales person and sales manager in Radio, Broadcast TV and Cable television advertising affords him the knowledge to negotiate cost of campaigns and offer creative and effective marketing strategies.

Why Choose us
Save Time and Effort
With Double M Marketing

We'll Negotiate For You
Tired of pushy sales associates coming to your business? Double M Marketing will be your buffer to ensure you're not wasting valuable time.

We'll Get You the Best Price Available
Because Double M Marketing buys in bulk, we are in a unique position to get a huge discount for our clients.

We Work Day and Night For Our Clients
We've worked with clients all over the Southeast, and we stand by our reputation as an ad agency that delivers results.